Clear reflection of extensive company-wide efforts to deliver the promise of quality, reliabilityand performance year-after-year

MILLINGTON, Tenn., February 17, 2022 Indmar Marine Engines’ hard-earned reputation for delivering world-class quality and reliability across its highly acclaimed Raptor Series and EcoBoost platform was reinforced again today – after the company was officially presented with its twentieth consecutive Marine Industry CSI Award for excellence in customer satisfaction during the Industry Breakfast held at the Miami International Boat Show.

Awards are a result of our continued efforts to elevate the Indmar brand by delivering a winning combination of world-class quality and cutting-edge technology,” explained Chuck Rowe President of Indmar Marine Engines. “The Ford based series have been incredibly popular with boaters since their launch and illustrate how Team Indmar has consistently delivered on the promise of quality, reliability and performance year-after-year. However, to receive this award for fourteen straight years from consumer surveys in differing markets and regions is a testament to Indmar’s success and growth as a global inboard marine engine manufacturer. “

“The 2021 CSI Award recipients lead the recreational boating industry in product excellence and service in a climate where superior quality and consumer trust are essential to retaining customers,” noted Robert Newsome, senior vice president of operations for NMMA.  “We thank the boat and engine manufacturers for their dedication to customer satisfaction, ensuring that today’s boaters remain lifelong boaters.”

The Marine Industry CSI Awards honor boat and engine manufacturers who actively measure customer satisfaction and pursue continuous improvement to better serve their customers. Award recipients achieved an independently measured standard of excellence of 90 percent or higher in customer satisfaction over the past program year, based on information provided by customers purchasing a new boat or engine during the period between January 1, 2021 and December 31, 2021.  Participating manufacturers must survey all new boat buyers during this period. For this reporting period, the program surveyed more than 175,000 customers.

About Indmar Marine Engines
Indmar is the world’s largest privately held manufacturer of gasoline powered inboard marine engines. Indmar has a pedigree going back over 40 years in the inboard marine industry and a proud tradition of pointing the way forward. Indmar was the first inboard manufacturer to deliver fuel injection; custom calibrated engines and the first to produce an inboard engine with a catalyzed exhaust; which is now the industry standard. Today, this legendary brand delivers an inimitable mix of unrivaled performance, meticulous craftsmanship and ground breaking innovations – charting a course for others to follow, yet leaving the competition behind.  Indmar operates advanced manufacturing facilities in the U.S. with distributing centers in Millington, TN, Merced, CA and Nowra, Australia.   For more information, please visit

About NMMA
National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA) is the leading association representing the recreational boating industry in North America. NMMA member companies produce more than 80 percent of the boats, engines, trailers, accessories, and gear used by boaters and anglers throughout the U.S. and Canada. The association is dedicated to industry growth through programs in public policy advocacy, market statistics and research, product quality assurance and promotion of the boating lifestyle. For more information, visit


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